Sunday: April 21, 2024

Celebrate the Big and the Small

There is a lot going on this fourth week in April. We have Earth Day coming on the 22nd and then Arbor Day on the 26th. It’s a great time to head outdoors and appreciate the natural beauty we are so fortunate to have and to meditate and act on how we can all do our part to preserve and care for our world.

Along with these holidays, my third wedding anniversary will be on the 22nd. My husband and I will be celebrating on the 26th by enjoying a delicious dinner at Hell’s Kitchen followed by a fun ZZ Top concert happening in our area. We love all the Gordon Ramsey cooking shows and will definitely be having fun on this day eating at one of his restaurants and then rocking out at a concert.

Hope you all are enjoying the nicer weather and making the most of it by getting out there. Feel free to share some of the fun things you and your loved ones are doing this spring.

So far this month has felt like an on again – off again kind of time period. Good things are happening, there’s progress coming along but for some reason I have a lot apprehension and nervous energy around it. I’m not sure why…perhaps it’s because I worry that it won’t be sustainable or long-lasting, that any progress will fizzle away like morning mist. Regardless I am giving it my best effort and trying hard to set my emotions aside, show up, and do the best I can. It’s been helpful to list out the small wins and celebrate them.

Often I find that it can be hard to pat yourself on the back for doing the work you set out to do any given day. Too often it’s easier to judge it as the bare minimum, or just plain not that great. “I should be doing more.”

It’s ok, these feelings come and are a natural part of life. I’m trying to acknowledge them and instead think, “Today, I did what I set out to do. As I get stronger in my consistency I can increase my output.”

I’m viewing my actions like training. Show up, do the set goal and in time increase the challenge. This is because too often I want to short cut the process. Jump in and bam, bam, bam. Get things done! But then I end up burning out, getting bored, abandoning things. I’m trying to learn from my past, find new ways forward.

Something fun, I’ve been getting into this month has been personality types. Learning as much as I can about my own and the theories about personality types. In doing this I hope to learn more about myself, to see myself more fully, see my blind spots and work on my strengths and weaknesses. I think that by having more self awareness we can also become more compassionate toward ourselves. Instead of feeling disappointed in our abilities, or lack thereof, knowing ourselves can help us to problem solve. Suddenly things don’t seem so out of our control and helpless and instead it becomes something to improve. I like that. I fully embrace the growth mindset because hey, if we’re going to be excited about things like artificial intelligence and the rate at which it learns and grows, why not have the same attitude toward our own organic intelligence, even more so actually.

So yes, that’s where I’m at: practicing, putting in some time, trying to trust and be patient with the process and myself.

Good luck to all of you who are on the same path.

The following are some creative writing projects I finished since my last post:

“Bodies in Space” (Short Story) & “Colorin Colorado” (Poem)

Hope you enjoy reading them!

“…it takes a lot less time than people think it does to turn out a novel. I was writing once a week, for one hour, and I usually finished writing the first draft of my books in about a year. I averaged eight to ten pages of writing during our sessions, or about 1,100 words, so I was moving along at a good clip, but I wasn’t speed writing either…the real key component to finishing a novel isn’t a luxury most people don’t have (the time to spend hours on it every day), instead it’s a character trait that anyone can cultivate (the persistence to show up for it every week for just one hour).”

–Lauren Sapala, The INFJ Writer

Bless Your Heart – Lindy Ryan

(Cozy Horror)

Like I suspected this book turned out to be quite the enjoyable read. I am usually not a horror leaning reader but this book had the elements of a vampire horror story but without the horrific parts that would make me want to put the book down and for that I really liked it.

This book is the first in series, one that I would categorize as a cozy horror read. I will definitely be on the look out for the next one and can be certain to pick it up. As so, I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes cozy anything.

The INFJ Writer – Lauren Sapala

(Writing Reference)

Wow, I loved this book! If you are a sensitive intuitive type you are going to enjoy reading this book. It is packed with encouragement, practical tips, and exercises that will help you to get out of your head and back to the writing page.

Reading this book was like a breath of fresh air, a life affirming read for sure.

My current reading feels kind of all over the place. At the moment I am toying with the following books, we’ll see which ones actually get finished.

Alrighty then, well that’s all for now. Thanks for stopping by and reading along. As always I’m happy to hear how things are on your side of the screen in the comment section below.

Until next time!!

πŸ’• xoxo πŸ’•

Angelica Sophia


Hope you enjoy this little doodle I made. It’s not amazing but it was a lot of fun playing around and making it. Don’t forget this week to do more of what makes you happy! πŸ™‚ πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸŽ¨

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